We Are On The Move!

New Year New Address!

We Are Trading Waterfalls, Snow Capped Mountains & Sand Between Our Toes

To Be Closer to Our Kids & Those 2 Beautiful Grand Daughters! 

Oregon you have been amazing!

We are very excited to get back to Wichita where Kirk has expected a position with Mid Continent Aviation Services

and for me my Southwest Airline points won't be racking like they have for the past 3 years!

Not mad about it!  I will continue shooting those favorite smiles & my LOVE FOR REAL ESTATE photography! 

Kirk & I both look forward to being a bigger part of Nnanna & Jen's growing business Festive ICT.

We Are On The Move

Nothing Fancy Just Love!


Our story began on a random Friday evening in Wichita, Kansas, September 9, 2005.

Our first date 2 days later!

On that date Kirk randomly asked "would you like to sell Real Estate in Joplin Mo?"

Not even thinking this girl would ever leave Kansas!  

3 years later he transplanted me to Joplin!

Shared lots of laugh's & made fun memories!

Fast forwarding today...

Here we are in Salem Oregon still laughing & exploring on the weekends!

Can't believe this Kansas girl is living in the PNW!

Photographing & Shooting Drone Footage of Real Estate Property together! 

Life is GRAND! I could not have asked for a better guy to spend my life with no mater what State we live in!

Traveling, camping, photographing cool stuff, exploring the world like it's our playground!

Many random miles together and so many more to go . . .

Woke to randomly getting married on a Monday!  True Story!

Wild Flowers of Oregon 

Discover Oregon

Enjoy the Views!

Yurt | Normally we tent camp, sometimes it's cool to stay in one of these!

Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

There are a ton of Covered Bridges around Oregon each one has a story!

Hood River Apple Farms with Mount Adams peeking it's top! 

more Wild Flowers in the Columbia Gorge 

Coast of Oregon never get old!

Light House's all up and down the Oregon Coast    |     Cherry Trees in full bloom on the Capital Mall 

Fall in Oregon really doesn't compare with Fall in Kansas but when you run across this . . .

Back side of Mt St Helens Washington in the winter

Can't even begin to tell you how many Water Falls we've seen...  so many!  that song "Don't go Chasing Water Falls" pops in your head!

Landscape after a Forrest Fire with Mt. Washington towering over

Coastal Water Docks and the Big Fishing Boats

Let's see where this road takes us!


- Kirk & Debbie


Something to Hold on To

Theodore (aka Ted or Pappa) Francis Botefur 

10/29/1929 - 01/28/2017

Blue sky's above gained a special handsome wonderful soul yesterday! 


The here & now is life, but the past is important, too! 

Our 2017 started off . . .

with Kirk's father being sick, to being moved to the

hospital, and being told the doctors couldn't fix him.

As we spent hours with Ted in the hospital

we began to enjoy the moments, cherish every breath.

He was tired and ready to go to a better place.

But still very much alive & full of color!


There was time for stories, belly laughs, friends, family, flirting

and Music!

We enjoyed & celebrated with many 

of his stories from his PAST!  Some stories never heard before!


Here's just a few fun fact's about Ted. . .

His sister sent him to the store for a loaf of bread (Oakland, CA) approx age of Ted 16?

He was on his motorcycle, ran into a guy, he asked "where you headed"? out East?

hold on, I will go with you!  He never returned with the loaf of bread!

Laugher! Giggles! - he was gone for 3 months!  


In his early 20's he owned a Bar named MERRY E in LA


He road with "Hell's Angel's" - as he say's before they

got crazy, and they where just a meet up motorcycle group. 

(it's his story)

September 2010

His artwork will be cherish for years to come.  Self Portrait 70's 

2016 Kyle (grandson) getting to visit his Pappa

Fall 2016

Special Moment's

Kirk & I got to spend last weekend with Ted - He wasn't feeling good, but by god he wanted

his hair cut.  Shave it OFF!  Wishes granted sir! 

still a few laughs to be had & ice cream


As he rattled off a few quotes, we laughed together!  

Moments like this I will forever hold in my heart.

"Too Old to Cut the Mustard"  -  

I googled it yesterday...  

come to find out it's an old song!  Kirk & I both knew Ted was in the room with us as we giggled & turned up the music!  

Couldn't have asked for a better moment!  Forever Ted this song will be played in your memory. 


Click here to enjoy: Too Old to Cut the Mustard


"It's not how old you are, it's how many miles you put on." - Theodore Francis Botefur

We Love You!


Looking Back on 2015

Feeling Blessed:  What Amazing Year "Twenty Fifteen".  Big shout out to EVERYONE that made 2015 a remarkable YEAR!  Flew more miles (too many to count) then I have my whole life. . .  and LOVE IT!  Thank You!  

A few highlights. . .  Filled with Love + Joy + Excitement + Surprises

Mallory + Nick married May 2015 in Georgia.  What a beautiful weekend celebration! 

Mallory + Nick have another exciting year ahead of them!  Can't wait to meet little Mr Fleeman!

My beautiful friend Dawn & her amazing daughters! (truly like my own).  Are both having boys!

These siblings are excited for baby brother due any day.  So much fun!

I was so excited to be apart of this surprise.  Maternity session turn to Proposal.  Watch what happens. 

Meet little man Benson.  He's so adorable. Family of 4 now makes 5.  Can't wait to see him this year!

Andy + Andrea | I call them our Oregon kids.  Captured their special day on the Hill Top of John's Peak, Medford Oregon

and these two tied the knot on sunny sandy beach

High School Sweethearts said "I Do" July

Blair + Kevin said their "I do's" on the beaches.  Came back to Wichita to celebrate with family & friends.

These 2 got engaged & I can't wait for their wedding in April.

Kansas Wedding + Sunflowers + LOVE in the AIR  Jamie makes a beautiful bride.

Loved shooting this engagement session and can't wait for their wedding in July!

More #PDXCarpet (lol) Excited to travel!

Thank you for looking at a few highlights from 2015.

2016 I plan to do more blogging (I say this every year).  

It's getting late here in the PNW.  

Pause, breathe & see beauty in all things!

If you are on Instagram please follow us, I post a lot of images there, mostly taken with my iPhone.




Life in Salem Oregon - January 2015

 "Happy Groundhog's Day"! 

Sharing a few highlights from the start of my NEW YEAR, new home, new city, new chapter!   

I arrived in Salem, Oregon on November 7, 2014 . . .  bitter sweet leaving Kansas, not behind & never forgotten! 

I have so much there, family, friends and some of the most wonderful clients!  Love & miss you all! 

With my positive outlook on LIFE, I embraced Salem with my all mighty & smiling big!  

It was great to finally be with Kirk after 7 long weeks.  

How time fly's!  I have been here 3 months!  WOW!  Our little rental we have made into HOME, the 3 of us have settled in nicely!  

Yes, Trump is loving life in Salem too! 

January was filled with a visit from Kansas girlfriends to meeting new faces of Salem!  

And so many roads with beautiful scenery around every corner! 



Let's be weekend Adventurous Travelers Darling!


We had a fun filled too short of a long weekend, they got the GRAND tour

from the Coast to the Mountain Tops!  Kirk is the BEST tour guide!

Now booking tours in Oregon!  Your Room is Ready!

Meet my newest client!

Helping Laura Gwyn kick off the year with new images

for her company  ViewSalemHomes.com.  Buying or Selling she is Salem Real Estate!

All the latest trends in the housing market follow her:  LauraGailGwynProperties 

Laura invited me to meet her at "Travel Salem 101" meeting - what a wonderful experience!  Thank You!

Go check travelsalem.com  this site offers so much in the Salem area!  Stop in and say HELLO, everyone ROCKS there!


Met a few of our neighbors, we had Mary from across the street over for taco's last week.

Sweet sweet lady!  She discovered she likes Cupcake wine Moscato D'asti 

Kirk & I both joined a local Photography club - we really both enjoy! 

Salem Digital Photo Group


Happy New Year!

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, 

and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.  -Anais Nin

xo- Debbie & Kirk 

Let your February be Awesome!



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